Peacock Plant
Peacock Plant
Peacock Plant - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers

Peacock houseplants (Calathea makoyana) are often found as part of indoor collections, though some gardeners say they’re difficult to grow. Peacock plant care includes keeping the soil consistently moist. The foliage of the Calathea peacock plant can be damaged by fluoride in water. Collect rainwater for watering peacock houseplants, or use bottled, distilled water without fluoride.

The Calathea Makoyana or Peacock Plant as it is more commonly known is a wonderful plant that can be known to grow up to 2ft in height when cared for correctly. Also named Cathedral Windows. Originally from Brazil this plant is a popular choice around the world for a house plant mainly because it makes a lovely addition to any home due to its beautiful foliage and bold markings. With its somewhat tropical origins, The Peacock Plant is a tall, slender plant that with the right care can become a colorful house plant for your collection.

Due to its Brazilian roots, humidity is best for this particular plant and it loves nothing more than to be misted although it is important to use distilled or rain water as the fluoride can cause damage to the delicate leaves. The Peacock plant has all the elegance and beauty of a Peacock’s tail, which is why it has been given its rather glorious name. The leaves are pale green with a dark green feathered effect from the middle of the leaf to the outer edges. When new leaves grow they are rolled up and show off their pinkish-red undersides; giving it another splash of color.

We’ll be sharing more about this plant in future.

Peacock Plant - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers
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