Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace lily is a natural for filling a corner, including those with part sun as well as dark spots. Tuck it into a simple container to let glossy leaves and stately flowers steal the spotlight. A beloved houseplant, peace lilies are renowned for their easy care.

All of us crave to live a life filled with peace and contentment. Peace Lilly is an indoor plant that has become universally aligned with these aspirations. Bring it home today and let the elegant dark green leaves soothe your soul and the huge, fragrant flowers calm you down at the end of another stressful day! Plus, let the plant help you beat those allergies whilst it cleanses the air at your home of contaminants such as benzene and formaldehyde.

Different Varieties of Peace Lilly:Domino Peace Lily, Jetty Peace Lily, Little Angel Peace Lily, Patricia Peace Lily, Piccolino Peace Lily.

Care Instructions For Growing Place Lilly Plant Indoors

Peace Lilly plants are easy to grow and care.

Light: Lives best in shade; requires little sunlight.

Soil:Best left moist, needs watering if it goes dry.

Water: Needs to be Watered only once a week.

We’ll be sharing more about this plant in future.

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