Zinnia Flower - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers

Very easy to grow, exquisite for borders, pots, blooms for an extended period.

Zinnias are one of the easiest flowers to grow, as they grow quickly and bloom heavily. Zinnia flowers can create a massive burst of color in your garden, so consider trying them this year!

Zinnias have stiff, hairy stems and oval or lance-shaped leaves arranged opposite each other and often clasping the stem. The numerous garden varieties grown for their showy flowers are derived from the species Zinnia violacea. Flowers of various colours – white, rust, dark brown, maroon, copper red, yellow.

Zinnia is a genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family. They are native to scrub and dry grassland in an area stretching from the Southwestern United States to South America, with a centre of diversity in Mexico.

Height of Zinnia: 1 m

The spacing of Zinnia plants:  1.5 x 1.5 ft

The time required for blooming after seed sowing: 6-8 weeks

We’ll be sharing more about this flower in future.

Zinnia Flower - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers
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