Coral Vine
Coral Vine
Coral Vine - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers

The pink flower clusters with curling tendrils of Coral Vine are also impressive in floral arrangements. Coral Vine is a crowd and bee pleaser for sure.

Coral Vine or Berberidopsiscorallina is a plant from Chile. This evergreen climber produces long, pendulous red flowers, and it can reach heights of 15 feet. It should be grown in a shady area that is protected from cold winds for best results.

The plant is low maintenance, needing little care such as pruning. Antigonon leptopus is a fast-growing climbing vine that holds on via tendrils, and is able to reach 25 ft or more in length.

It has cordate (heart-shaped), sometimes triangular leaves 2½ to 7½ cm long. The flowers are borne in panicles, clustered along the rachis. Producing pink or white flowers from spring to autumn, it forms underground tubers and large rootstocks.

It is a prolific seed producer. The seeds float on water. The fruit and seeds are eaten and spread by a wide range of animals such as pigs, racoons and birds. The tubers will resprout if the plant is cut back or damaged by frost.

Antigonon leptopus was prepared for consumption by the aboriginal inhabitants of Baja California in a way somewhat reminiscent of preparing popcorn. The seeds were toasted by placing them in a flat basket made of flexible twigs torn into strips and woven to make a solid surface.

On top of the seeds were placed live coals, and with both hands the basket was shaken so that the coals came up against the seeds, toasting them, but not burning the basket. When the toasting was finished, the burned-out coals were removed.

Using this method, a major portion of the seeds burst open, exposing a white meal. Afterwards, the seeds were separated from the husks from which they had emerged by dexterously tossing them into the air with the basket, in the same way, that wheat is winnowed in Spain.

The seeds were then ground and the resulting meal was eaten. Alternatively, the seeds could be boiled and made into fried cakes and it is use for making tea. It is good for the common flu (influenza) and period pains and many other symptoms.

We’ll be sharing more about this flower in future.

Coral Vine - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers
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