Celosia - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers

Flowers of celosia are known as wool flowers or cockscombs. They have unusual flowers that can bloom up to 10 weeks. These flowers can have red, pink, purple, gold or bicoloured blooms. When many celosia flower blooms are next to each other.

The Celosia flower is also known as the Prince of Wales’ Feathers. The plume-like flowers range in color from shades of reds, oranges, and yellows.

While tall forms of the plant can reach approximately 30 inches, the dwarf forms are less than a foot tall. These plants are annuals that require sun to grow well.

Celosia argentea is a tender annual that is often grown in gardens. It blooms in mid-spring to summer. It is propagated by seeds. The seeds are extremely small, up to 43,000 seeds per ounce.

The flowers are hermaphrodites and the plant also exhibits dodecaploidy. As these plants are of tropical origin, they grow best in full sunlight and should be placed in a well-drained area. Full sunlight means they should get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight.

For healthy growth plant them in the area where they get early morning sunlight and afternoon shade. In the afternoon the sunlight are mostly harsh especially in hot summer.

Afternoon shade will save the plant from excessive heat. The flowerheads can last up to 8 weeks, and further growth can be promoted by removing dead flowers.

We’ll be sharing more about this flower in future.

Celosia - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers
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