Bell Flower
Bell Flower
Bell Flower - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers

Bellflowers will bloom heaviest in June and July but can delight you with flowers all the way into October in some areas.

The primary characteristic is the upturned, open cup-shaped flowers in hues of pink and white but primarily lavender or light blue. The plants will spread over the seasons and the lower growing varieties make excellent ground cover. Most bellflowers begin blooming in July and keep on flowering until frost.

The Bellflower or campanula is a group containing several hundred species of annuals and perennials. These plants tend to be easy to grow with either full sunlight or dappled shade.

They range in height from a few inches off of the ground to over 5 feet tall and needing to be staked. They flower from May through September.

Bluebells are a species of deciduous woodland over much of their range, flowering and leafing early before the canopy closes in late spring. They may also be found growing under bracken or Japanese knotweed, perennial plants which also form stands with a dense summer canopy.

They are most successful on slightly acid soils; the same niche in alkaline conditions may be occupied by other species such as Mercurialis perennis.

As a species adapted to woodlands, the young shoots are able to penetrate through a thick layer of leaf litter, and bluebells are often used as an indicator species to identify ancient woodland.

Bluebells are also frequently found in hedgerows, and in the west of their range they can be found growing in open habitats, including coastal meadows. Bluebell flowers are rich in pollen and nectar, and are chiefly pollinated by bumblebees, although they are also visited by various other insects.

They are a host species for the parasitic fungus Uromyces muscari, which causes bluebell rust.

We’ll be sharing more about this flower in future.

Bell Flower - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers
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