Song of India Plant
Song of India Plant
Song Of India Plant - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers

Dracaena is a popular houseplant because it is easy to grow and very forgiving of novice gardeners. It’s also a top pick because there are so many varieties with different sizes, leaf shape, and color. A variegated dracaena plant, like the Song of India dracaena, for instance, gives you beautiful, multicolored foliage.

The song of India plant is a species from the dracaena genus (dracaena reflexa) that has become a popular house plant. This tree like plant is fairly easy to grow and maintain like others from this genus, although it does require high humidity levels.

There are various cultivars of the dracaena reflexa that display different leaf variations, although the most popular you’ll see sold in garden stores is the yellow edged variegata type. They usually grow up to about 3ft tall indoors (which takes a fair few years) and have a bushy tree type of look about them.

Like other dracaenas these are fairly easy to care for and grow and can withstand a certain amount of neglect, but not as much as other dracaena plants. The song of India does need it’s bright light and quite high humidity levels to thrive. The worst two things a grower can do is over water or allow the temperatures to drop very low.

The leaves are the main attraction to this species – although it does flower (we’ll cover that shortly). These leaves are glossy that arch over and grow up to 1ft long and a couple of inches or so wide. Some of these seem to grow quite out of hand (especially outdoors) and start to look a bit ugly, which can be overcome with pruning and training it’s growth.

As mentioned this species can flower and blooms clusters of near white small flowers that are not very attractive or noticeable.

We’ll be sharing more about this plant in future.

Song Of India Plant - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers
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