Swiss Cheese Plant
Swiss Cheese Plant
Swiss Cheese Plant - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers

Monstera deliciosa likes moderate indoor temperatures of 60 to 85 degrees. It prefers high humidity, but it will adapt fine to dry indoor conditions. If you really feel like nurturing it, you can mist it occasionally to boost humidity—but it’s not entirely necessary.

The Swiss cheese plant displays the most interesting looking leaves and needs a grower to be prepared to provide some extra space within a home (it grows fairly tall when it matures).This climbing shrub is an ideal plant for a conservatory or large rooms, including a hotel or restaurant foyer.

The monstera deliciosa is primarily grown indoors for the lush green and glossy leaves. Each heart shaped leaf that appears starts of as a full leaf and then begins to form it’s slits. These leaves will grow whilst the plant is very young and only a matter of a few inches tall, although they do not produce the slits until it matures more. This species looks similar to a palm tree.

The cheese plant does flower in it’s natural habitat or somewhere that mimics it’s natural habit very well. It’s very rare to see them flower indoors. These flowers are a whitish colored spathe type with a spadix in the center.

We’ll be sharing more about this plant in future.

Swiss Cheese Plant - Find Florists in India - Charming Flowers
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