Heart Leaf Philodendron ( Scandens Oxycardium)
Heart Leaf Philodendron ( Scandens Oxycardium)

So there are several plants to cover the walls or empty spaces in your home as mentioned above. But how about one to adorn an empty table or desk?

Why not do it with this love tree? ( the literal name of this plant in Greek!). It has dark green ,shiny heart shaped leaves which look great on a tabletop or even as a hanging plant. It has several other factors going for it as well; it thrives on neglect, is impossible to kill and removes toxins from the air as well!

Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium. Indoors are more often seen in the 4 feet tall range. Features bright, glossy, heart-shaped, dark green leaves that may have a bronze tinge on emerging.

Different Varieties: Philodendron Oxycardium green, Philodendron Scandens Aureau

Care Instructions For Growing Philodendron Plant Indoors

Since the plant grows quite fast, it would require quite a bit of

plant food. You would also need to prune the plant regularly to ensure it looks full, not leggy.

Light: Since the plant thrives in medium and high light, place it under a bright shade, but never under direct sunlight.

Soil: Moist soils with high organic matter are the best bet. You could also add fertilisers sparingly in spring and summer months but not during winters.

Water: You would need to ensure that the plant is moist, not soggy. A simple barometer to check if you are watering correctly are the leaves. Yellow means too much & brown leaves mean too little.

We’ll be sharing more about this plant in future.

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